Wednesday, 19th of July
Place your bet in the evening from 7pm UK time on Wednesday, the 19th of July or first thing on Thursday morning, the 20th of July.
Money Bet
Sport: Football -> Women’s World Cup
Who’s playing: Australia vs Republic of Ireland
Date: Thursday, 20th of July, 2023
Time: 11:00 AM
Outcome: Draw
Back Bet: Bet on the draw at the bookmaker (Bet with the bookmaker that your day # challenge says to bet with).
Lay Bet: Lay the Draw at the Bet Exchange on Australia vs Republic of Ireland
Bet with the bookmaker – Place the back bet with the bookmaker that is shown in your 30-day challenge in the member’s area. The bookmaker you use will depend on which day # you are currently doing. We recommend doing 1 day, per day. Ie. 1 money bet and 1 free bet maximum per day, until you are comfortable with doing more than this. Go back to the “Let’s go” lesson if you need to see this again.
Ie. Every day of the challenge that you participate in, you want to do one money bet to get a free bet and if you have a free bet to use from a bookmaker that you did a money bet with, then do that as well… You are always backing with the bookmaker and laying that same outcome with the bet exchange to lock in the same bet result regardless of the outcome of the event that you are betting on. Ie if you bet wins or loses at the bookmaker you will always either win or lose at the bet exchange. One of your bets will always win, thus locking in your result before the event even takes place.
You want to start with Day 1 and work your way, day by day, to Day 30. If you are away for a few days or miss a day for any reason during your 30-day challenge, then you can just start back up from where you left off. For example, you get up to Day 5, then go away for the weekend, missing Saturday and Sunday, you can start back from where you left on and do Day 6 on Monday and so forth. Hence DO NOT feel rushed, because this is when mistakes can happen. Take a long term view and enjoy the process. We start small because the odd mistake can happen and it’s just part of the learning process if it does. It’s much better to make a mistake on a £5 or £10 bet than a £100 or £200 bet for example!